Why Real Wholefoods are the only food to feed your dog

The more I speak to dog owners it is evident that we have been educated enough to realise that to nourish our own bodies, the best solution is natural whole foods and not processed foods. However, when it comes to our pets, we are still stuck in the mindset that processed is healthier than real natural foods.
So what is the difference?
Although dogs have evolved overtime and their appearance on the outside can be vastly different, being that a German Sheppard and Chihuahua can look completely different. It does not mean that their insides or nutrient requirements are different to their wild ancestors.
If we look at a dog’s physiology. It is apparent that their jaw structure gives us an indication that their jaws have been adapted to a carnivorous diet with teeth that are designed to capture and pull apart prey. The digestive system also indicates that it is designed to eat raw meat and absorb a small proportion of plant matter such as vegetables, fruit, herbs and seeds. A species appropriate diet is designed to include all the elements that a dog’s wild ancestors would eat in the wild. It includes, meat, offal, vegetables, fruit, herbs and natural based oils.
The basic proportions of raw feeding for a Biologically Appropriate Diet includes the following:
Raw meat:
Raw meat makes up the largest proportion of ingredients within a raw diet. Meat contains protein, living organisms and amino acids which provide the basic building blocks for cell development.
According to Dr Billinghurst “living enzymes are proteins found in raw foods which help the body function. Enzymes are only beneficial to the body if they are living. Once food is cooked or processed, it no longer contains living enzymes. Foods without living enzymes put stress on the pancreas to produce the necessary proteins to function. Living enzymes in a raw diet restore, repair, and maintain health. Animals replenish their enzymes systems by eating raw unprocessed foods".
In the wild, Offal is usually the first part of the animal to be eaten. The organs provide the best nutrient value and makes up approximately 5% of the dog’s diet.
Bones contain natural occurring vitamins and minerals such as zinc which assists with immunity and omega 3 fatty acids which assists in inflammation reduction. Bones are a great source of Calcium and Phosphorus for teeth and bone health.
Fruit and Vegetable matter
Fruit and vegetables contain a huge array of vitamins and minerals. Dogs cannot digest fruit and vegetables the same way that humans do. So it is important to prepare the vegetables in such a way to maximise nutrient absorption so they get the full benefit from them.
In the wild, dogs will eat the stomach contents of their prey which may contain plant matter, seeds, berries and herbs. This is another source of vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in the wild and which are consumed. Herbs have amazing health and healing benefits for dogs and if used correctly can correct and manage illnesses without the side effects of conventional medication.
(Please consult your vet prior to treating any illness)
The health benefits seen by feeding a species appropriate diet include:
Creates a stronger, healthier immune system
Less allergic reactions
Shiny healthy coat
Superior muscle tone
Minimised doggy odour
Healthy teeth and gums
Improved attention span which has resulted in greater obedience
Easy to maintain a healthy weight
Improved muscle tone
Smaller poops with less smell
Minimal need for parasite treatments
Cheaper in the long run as minimised visits to the vet
Improved energy levels
Happier demeanour